Myally Bulldog

Myally Bulldog Bulldog Anglais

Bulldog Anglais

Résultats d'expositions

happy and glorious Great britain extravagance - 4ème Junior class ( 29 entrées )

4ème Junior class ( 29 entrées )

happy and glorious Great britain extravagance

5/3/2020 - Birmingham CRUFTS

Juge : Mr Davison

happy and glorious Great britain extravagance - .


happy and glorious Great britain extravagance

29/2/2020 - Angleterre Championship

Juge : Mme Lieza Handley

happy and glorious Great britain extravagance - 2ème yearling class ( 9 entrées )

2ème yearling class ( 9 entrées )

happy and glorious Great britain extravagance

16/2/2020 - Angletetre Championship

Juge : Mr David Lees

2nd Happy and Glorious Great Britain Extravagance jr ch Red and White bitch .Different type to first place ,A very tidy bitch that I did like a lot ,She as a very nice straight front with tacked on shoulders not too much or not too little was just right for her frame .nice rounded rib with good reach of neck to neat ears .wide nostrils ,clear dark eyes . Good topline moved well