2. Cagniart Mrs A, Myally Bulldog The Killer Queen R/W Very close decision here, as I really liked this girl. Very pretty feminine bitch with superb brick shape head, finely wrinkled, good width and turn of underjaw, darkest clear eyes, with pleasing feminine expression .Super straight front with strong pasterns and neat feet. good tacked on shoulder, lovely well rounded brisket good length of neck, good depth of rib, pleasing topline with low set healthy tail and good tuck up ,lovely pear shaped body and good rear angulation. Moved well. < /p>
Bel ensemble dans le type, puissante et feminine. Jolie tête, stop correct, excellent chanfrein, mandibule bien placee, excellent oeil, excellentes oreilles, belle morphologie d ensemble, angulations pourraient être plus marquees. Mouvement typique. < /p>
2nd. 995. Miss A Cagniart. Myally Bulldog Killer Queen.
Red. Standard sized bitch. Lovely length to a flat skull. Very dark, healthy eyes. Well placed nose, neat nose roll. Nice furrow. Correct inverted U shaped underjaw, lovely upsweep, all giving excellent expression. Big rib. Well angulated. Health tail. A little reluctant to move today. < /p>
1st Junior Bitch / BEST PUPPY BITCH
23 / 06 / 2023 - Blackpool & Flyde Bulldog Club
Ville: Blackpool - Open Show - Juge : Mr Jeffrey Martin Dean (UK)
JB (8,2a)
1. Cagniart, Myally Bulldog The Killer Queen
Red & White 11months, good sized head with rose shaped ears, dark clear eyes, dark muzzle, good upsweep, good pigment, tacked on shoulders, big in rib with good length, tail ok, moved OK. Awarded BPB. < /p>
07 / 05 / 2023 - Nationale d élevage Club du Bulldog Anglais France
Ville: Berkshire (Angleterre) - Championship show - Juge : Mr Rob Harris ( UK )
Cagniart's Myally Bulldog The Killer Queen. R & W, great front with tight feet, true underjaw, dark eyes, good top-line, lovely tail, moved well. < /p>
Very promising
11 / 12 / 2022 - Brussels dogshow
Ville: Bruxelles - Cacib - Juge : Mr Marko Lepasaar